Thursday, October 24, 2013

Our First day of Touring

After breakfast...

we headed to Herodium, which was a palace fortress built by Herod the Great south of Jerusalem...

we entered the tunnels and water cisterns and hiked up many steps to the top!!

Then we headed to the shepherd's field in Bethlehem
 Cindy did our devotion...
 Next was shopping and lunch in Bethlehem...
 Then off to the Church of the Nativity...
 to see the birthplace of our Lord...
 and the place where they laid him in a manger.

 Joan and I finished the evening with a walk, then a gathering time with our group to go over the highlights of the day and dinner... here are some beautiful flowers just outside our hotel... 
 It was a great day, but now it's time to stop and take a rest!

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