Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Day 7 of Our Holy Land Tour

Today was a great day in Jerusalem. The temperature was in the 70's and it was sunny! We visited many sites starting at 8:30 am and getting back to the hotel around 4 pm.

We began the morning by visiting the church of Lazarus in Bethany

Then we went down into the tomb of Lazarus… as you can see, we came forth from the grave.

This is our happy crew on the bus, or as Neal calls us, “the mighty 16.”

This is Wisam, our guide and Mohammed our bus driver. They are the best!

This is St. Ann’s Church, the mother of Mary

We explored down into the Pools of Bethesda where the lame man wasn’t able to get into the water for healing because no one would help him.

In the Antonia Fortress we saw the “Lithostrotos,” the stone pavement from Roman times where Jesus would have been mocked and beaten.

As we walked the Via Dolorosa, we took in the sights of the market place.

The Church of the Holy Sepulcher is located over the traditional site of the hill of Calvary and the tomb of Jesus.

The stone of anointing…

It is a very ornate church…

I’m touching what is called the “Center of the Universe.” It is midway between the crucifixion site and the tomb of Jesus.

George didn’t know he had a street named after him!!

Bread anyone??

A shepherd with his sheep.

The Holy City from the south side.

The Garden Tomb was our final visit today. Here we saw another traditional site for Golgotha, see the skull…

And a Garden Tomb…

Pastor David led devotions in the garden...

And we celebrated communion… what a great day! God was with us in a powerful way!!

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