Sunday, October 27, 2013

Day 4 of our Holy Land Tour

Today we got up to watch the sunrise over the Sea of Galilee. 

Our first tour stop was the Mount of Beatitudes where Jesus taught the sermon on the mount. This beautiful 8-sided church represented the 8 beatitudes. It was a very serene spot.

We sailed out onto the Sea of Galilee and Pastor Steven lead devotions about Peter walking on water. 

We had a special treat of getting to see this 1st century boat that was much like the boats that Jesus and the disciples had sailed on.


We moved on to Capernaum and saw the house of Peter.

This is a synagogue that is built on the original site where Jesus would have worshipped. We took a group photo here.

This is an olive press at Capernaum.



This is Tabgha where Jesus fed the 5000. This famous mosaic in the church floor in front of the altar depicts the loaves and fish.

Our lunch was on the east coast of the Galilee in the area of the Gaderenes. We ate Peter fish, supposedly the kind of fish Peter caught that had the money in its mouth to pay the taxes. Some of these fish carry their young in their mouths and are known for scooping up shiny objects.


Our next stop was at the Primacy of Peter Church. It was here after the resurrection that Jesus asked Peter three times if he loved him. And Peter responded, “You know I love you, Lord.” Jesus said, “Feed my sheep.”

Here we waded into the Galilee and collected some shells and rocks!!

Our final stop today was at the Via Maris, the trail that led from Galilee to Cana and Nazareth that Jesus would have walked many times. 

It is located beside Mt. Arbel where the Zealots hid in caves from the Romans during a revolt.

On our way back to the Hotel, Joan and I found a geocache... our first in Israel (and it was a micro)!!!



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