Thursday, October 31, 2013

Day 9 of Our Holy Land Tour

This morning we headed to a spot called Nabi Samuel, which is a traditional site for the burial of the prophet Samuel. During the Turkish rule the Moslems built a mosque over the site. Currently the Jews have reclaimed the area and it is a place where the more radical Jews come.

Our next place of interest was Emmaus where Jesus met with the travelers on the Day of Resurrection and opened the scriptures to them.  Back in Jesus’ day there were no towns named Emmaus. The word means “Warm Springs.” There are several sites claiming to be the place, with warm springs, but this one is within a day’s walk of Jerusalem, which fits the scriptures.

We gathered in the basement of the church around the warm spring and George read scripture and Cindy led devotions.

Our final tour stop before lunch was at the Valley of Elah where David faced off with Goliath and God won the victory!! We went down to the streambed and each of us gathered 5 smooth stones. 

I found a foot long portion of Goliath’s spear, everyone else thought it was a piece of rebar!?

Our “Mighty 16” enjoyed Falafels and Shawarma in Pita’s for lunch.

Bill and Gladys

Ron and Janet

George, Neal and Rebecca

David (Gladys) and Joan

Steven and Dee


Nancy and Howard

Many of our group decided to walk the ramparts around Jerusalem. We entered at the Jaffa Gate and walked past the New gate, the Damascus Gate, Herod’s Gate and exited at the Lion’s Gate (Stephens Gate)

Joan and I finally found a Geocache near Stephen’s Gate!!  Yayyyyy!!

We did one final walk through the Old City and visited the “Cardo,” the main road or heart of the city that was uncovered fairly recently. This would have been the main street during Roman times.

We leave the Hotel at 6:30 AM tomorrow morning for our long flight home. I think it's a 13 hour flight (we have a6 hour time difference). I believe we arrive in New Jersey late afternoon and will probably get home late Friday night! It has been a wonderful trip. Our guide and bus driver were incredible. Our group has become like a family. It will be sad to say goodbye to everyone!!