Saturday, October 26, 2013

Day 3 of Touring in the Holy Land

Our first stop this morning was Caesarea along the Mediterranean Sea. It was built by Herod the Great at a port city.

There was an amphitheater that seated 5000…

And an aqueduct that brought fresh water from 12 miles away…

Herod’s own swimming pool that was built in the sea…

Next we visited Mt Carmel and the site where Elijah challenged the prophets of Baal. 


Our devotion was led by Caitlin from Washington state. She focused on the way the people of Israel were limping along in their faith and not wholeheartedly for God. She challenged us to have an undivided faith.

Next was lunch!!

Then we visited Megiddo and walked the ruins...

And then entered the water cistern…

Our next stop was Nazareth where we entered the Church of the Annunciation which they claim is built over the house of Mary…

this is where the Angel announced that she would be with child…

Our final stop for the day before going to Tiberius for the night was Cana, where 4 couples renewed their Wedding Vows.

Then we toured the church built where Jesus performed his first miracle of turning water into wine…

As we went to the bus we stopped for some pomegranate juice. Then we headed to Tiberius...

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